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ReCaptcha App

Protect your BigCommerce store from spam and abuse with ReCaptcha by Atwix. Our app is a free addition to BigCommerce's standard security features that integrates invisible reCAPTCHA v2 into your site's forms, ensuring incoming requests are made by real people and not bots. Get started today and keep your storefront secure!


Features of ReCaptcha

A comparison list of ReCaptcha features and default BigCommerce reCAPTCHA functionality (ReCaptcha works together with the standard BigCommerce reCAPTCHA)

BigCommerce default

ReCaptcha app

Newsletter form
Activate reCAPTCHA for Newsletter form
Log In form
Activate reCAPTCHA for Log In form
Custom forms
Activate reCAPTCHA for any custom form
Contact us form
Protect Contact Us form with ReCaptcha
New Account registration form
Protect New Account form with ReCaptcha
Write a Review form
Protect Write a Review form with ReCaptcha
Secure your checkout process with ReCaptcha

Check out our guides

Ready to install? Check the Installation and User Guides for detailed instructions how to configure application and apply it to your storefront