Rich Snippets App User Guide


Once the application is successfully installed - the user will be redirected to the application in the BigCommerce admin panel. The application admin panel contains configurations for rich snippets structured data and open graph meta tags.

Rich Snippets application supports multi-storefront stores (only BigCommerce storefronts are supported at the moment)

The user should pass through the whole application menu form configuring required rich snippets and meta tags. When all configurations will be completed - it is required to click on the Save button at the bottom of the page, to apply changes to the storefront

General section

general section

In the top right corner of the application admin panel located the subscription widget with information about the current subscription

At the top of the application menu located a dropdown menu that provides the ability to select a channel and configure an application for multiple channels (it is possible either to disable the application in some channels and enable it in others, or keep different configurations for different channels)

The general section allows the user to enable or disable the whole application for the current channel

Organization section

organization section

This section is responsible for the organization rich snippet. More information about organization rich snippets is provided here - link

The organization section includes the following fields:

Social links section (part of organization section)

social links section

This section is responsible for the social links part of the organization rich snippet. More information about social links rich snippets is provided here - link

The social links section includes the following fields:

Breadcrumbs section

breadcrumbs section

This section is responsible for the breadcrumb trail on pages indicating the page's position in the site hierarchy and typically ending with the current page

The breadcrumbs section includes the following fields:

Product section

product section

This section is responsible for any offered product or service. For example, a pair of shoes; a concert ticket; the rental of a car; a haircut; or an episode of a TV show streamed online. More information about product rich snippets is provided here - link

The product section includes the following fields:

Site search section

site search section

This section is responsible for site search rich snippet

The site search section includes the following fields:

Category section

category section

This section is responsible for category pages rich snippets, that includes category description, overall category ratings, and information about the first product of the category

The site category section includes the following fields:

Meta tags section

meta tags section

This section is responsible for open graph and Twitter meta tags used to promote a site on social media

The meta tags section includes the following fields:

Open graph meta tags section (part of meta tags section)

open graph meta tags section

This section is responsible for meta tags that are used to make any web page a rich object in a social graph. For instance, this is used on Facebook to allow any web page to have the same functionality as any other object on Facebook. More information is provided here - link

The open graph meta tags section includes the following fields:

Twitter meta tags section (part of meta tags section)

twitter meta tags section

This section is responsible for Twitter meta tags for websites that provide a suite of tools used to bring Twitter content and functionality to web pages and enable the Twitter audience to share website content, and follow website Twitter accounts. More information is provided here - link

The Twitter meta tags section includes the following fields: